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Friday, 1 August 2014


How To Crack The Job Interview No Matter The Interviewer

In the job hunting process, cracking the job interview is the heart of the matter. This is when you have to perform outstandingly in order to impress the interview panel and get the job. 


I imagine that you have done all the homework and you are standing outside the interview hall, waiting for your turn to go in. A few things you need to do:

i.    Be very observant, don’t be passive, read up notices. In some interviews, you could be asked to mention one thing you saw written on the notice board outside.

ii.    Be relaxed and calm. After all, being anxious that you could lose the job only increases your chances of losing it.

iii.    Make sure you are attentive and ready at any time so as not to keep the panel waiting when your name is called.

Now, imagine that your name has been called and you have been asked in.

i.    Walk in with a confident and bold look on your face but without being arrogant.

ii.    Keep eye contact with members of the panel and depending on the set-up, walk up to each of them and give a handshake. If they are many or seated far from you, you could just give a general formal verbal greeting.

iii.    Sit where you are assigned and sit up straight with your hands on your lap, your bag by your seat or your file on your lap.

iv.    Be straight to the point when you answer questions. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know something or to ask the interviewer to repeat a question you did not get clearly.

v.    Keep eye contact with members of the panel and don’t be distracted (not even by the panel).

vi.    Throughout the interview, be relaxed regardless of whether you think you are getting things right or not. Smile often but don’t be stupid by smiling too much. 

vii.    Keep up with your manners. Be polite always. Use words like “please”, “excuse me” and “thank you”.

Now that you are seated, you will be welcomed by the panel and introduced to the whole interview exercise. Then the questions will follow.

Can We Meet You?

Answering this question needs you to go straight to the point and within two minutes, give a brief summary of what is on your CV. For Example: 

I am John Ebuka, a Nigerian, native of Ngwo village, Enugu North LGA of Enugu State. I was born on 1st of July 1987 into a family of four children where I am the first child. I hold a BSc degree in Accounting from the University of Calabar, Nigeria. I am a natural leader, a goal-getter, a self-motivated person, etc. with two years of relevant work experience as an Accountant. I am single 

Be as brief as possible, but make sure you highlight more, a few of your strengths.

What Do You Know About Us?

This question gives you an opportunity to distinguish yourself by convincing the panel that you know the organization you want to work for. Besides, people love it when you talk about them so well. 

Share some of the things you have researched about them. Talk more about their vision, mission, objectives, values, achievements, on-going projects and products. Avoid talking about what you are not sure of. Speak like someone already working for them, and focus on their strengths.

Why Are You Interested In Working For Us?

This question wants you to point out the things you know about the organization that have caught your interest the most. Thus here, talk on two sides: What aspects of the organization’s work relate to your passions and move you to want to contribute your best to help her achieve her goals; and in what way, working for them will help you achieve your personal goals. Be careful not to sound like you are more interested in what will benefit you.

What Skills/Experiences Will You Be Bringing To The Job?

In answering this question, list some of your strongest qualities (skills and experiences) which are rare to find, that you think are relevant for the job. If there are any things you think you can improve on in the organization, don’t hesitate to mention. 

Many employers fear that they could just be hiring the next person looking for a means of livelihood. Let them know that you have a major innovation to bring to their organization and even when they know they will not give you the chance to bring in such innovations, they will hire you because you are a resourceful person. 

When I got my biggest job opportunity, I shared with the interview panel, a big dream I had in mind for the organization. I could see the look on the faces of those in the panel that said, “This is a resource not to lose”. It took a shorter time than usual, for me to be hired. Funny enough they didn’t know yet, what precisely I should be doing but they just needed me to be in. After exactly 2 months I got a big appointment though still on probation. At the end of my probation, my supervisor’s report said, “He is a big addition to the team” 

What Have You Been Doing Since You Graduated?

Not many interviewers ask this question, but when it comes up, it must be answered with some caution. The reason why this question is asked in some interviews is to find out how hardworking, thoughtful and innovative a job aspirant is. 

Employers want to know how you have been spending your time productively. This is a reason why whether you are employed formally or not, you must never be idle. 

Apply your hands and brain on something profitable. You could as well be developing yourself by building on your skills and talents while searching for a job. These are things the employer expects to hear from you if you have not been on any formal job.

Why Did You Quit Your Former Job?

This could be a tricky question and so should be answered carefully else you give the employer reasons to believe that if you are hired, you will soon be looking for another job. Some good answers are:

1.    My job was no longer challenging so I found my skills and knowledge, wasting.

2.    The work conditions of my job were becoming deplorable daily and the job was getting riskier by the day.

3.    I had been on my job for 15 years and needed a change so I could acquire new skills.

The caution here is to make sure you don’t speak negatively about yourself nor your former employer. If you do, then you will most likely not speak well about your future employer.


What Can You Bring To Our Organization?

This is kind of a repetition of question 4 above though with a little difference. Here you only need to emphasize on some of the things you have promised before to bring into the organization.

 Be very optimistic about what you can offer, but be careful not to look doubtful by sounding like you have the solution to all the problems they may have. This is a type of positioning error in marketing called: doubtful positioning. No matter how skillful you are, you can never have all the answers. 

Also avoid the word “change”. I remember that in the job interview that landed me my biggest job, this question was asked and I mentioned that I was going to change so and so. The interviewer asked me if I wanted to change their organization or contribute to improve on it. I learned a big lesson and admitted I was wrong.

How Do You Handle Stress?

It could either be how you handle stress or if you can work in a stressful environment or both. The truth is that all jobs come with their different forms of stress. It could be from the demands of the job you do, the expectations of the organization, the people in the organization, the issues of your private life, and so on.

Be honest to say that no one loves to work in a stressful environment. However, stress is a part of our lives and comes up from time to time. So, you can work under stress but if there is anything that could be done to reduce the stress, you would rather do it. 

As for how you handle stress, share some of the things you do when you are stressed up. You can never be wrong in your answer because it is about your methods and how they work for you.

What Should We Pay You?

This question features almost always. The misconception here with most job aspirants is that the interviewer wants to use their answer against them, to present a smaller package than originally was intended for the position. So they go ahead to call unrealistic figures which only tell the interviewer how unserious they are. 

What the interviewer wants more is to know what value you place on yourself. In other words, if you were the one to pay an employee that is like you, how much will you pay? 

Just be sincere to value your worth vis-à-vis the value you will be adding to the organization and how persons with your qualification and potentials are paid averagely in your geographical area. This will help you give your employer a range for an answer. 

Don’t answer this question if you don’t have substantial knowledge of the job you will be expected to do for the organization at least for a start. Don’t also tell the interviewer to pay you according to the policy of the organization. Give a salary range based on your worth and make it clear that you are flexible to negotiate.

What Are Some Of Your Major Weaknesses?

Here, the intention of the interviewer is to test how humble you can be to admit you have weaknesses. Sometimes instead of this question, an interviewer could ask you to share the worst mistake you have ever made. You will be telling a lie by saying that you have none. 

As much as you need to be real to share a weakness of yours that could be related to the job, you must not be too humble to talk yourself out of the job by sharing about all of your weaknesses or making yourself look so bad. Share at most two of your weaknesses and more importantly what you have been doing to improve in those aspects. 

Why Should We Hire You?

This is the last stroke on the camel’s back. Before this question you must have said a lot already, about yourself. This is the time to go straight to the point and mention at least three strongest qualities of yours that you know many of your competitors will not have. 

The strongest things you can talk about are things centered on your past experiences, exposure, talent, skill, abilities, etc. that you think are important for the job you intend to perform for the organization. Mention at least three and let the interviewer know how confident you are that you are most suited for the job. 

Also let them know that you know that they are impressed by your performance. However, be sure you have done your best.

Are there any questions for us?

Very often, job aspirants make the mistake of answering this question with a NO, thinking it shows humility. Rather, this is another opportunity for you to convince the panel that you know some things about their organization and are very interested in working for them. 

Prepare at least one question for them, before the interview but make sure the question will not entail too much explanation or something any organization will want to keep private.

 You could find out if they have considered a new product or practice or market or why they do something they do, the way they do it. This also tells that you know how they operate. This question is likely to be the last.

Before leaving the interview, find out how and when you should expect a feed-back from them. Thank the panel for their time and leave with the same smile you came in with. Get home and after a day, send a mail thanking them again for their interest in you. It could go a long way to further indicate your interest in working for them.

I hope that the above attempted answers have shed some light to some of the questions you will be expected to crack in the job interview.


Top 10 Emerging Business Opportunities in Nigeria

While there are great, time tested businesses out there that people have been investing into for years, some of which have been written about here on There are equally some emerging business opportunities that are yet to be explored or fully explored in Nigeria. 

This emerging businesses is what we want to bring out in this article today. Therefore, below is the top 10 emerging business opportunities in Nigeria that any serious entrepreneur should do well to take advantage of, right now.

1. Cable Manufacturing - Made in Nigeria cable is believed to be one of the best in the world and cost more in the market. If that believe could be maintained through consistent quality, Nigeria will soon become the hub of cable exportation in the world. I haven't got the details what it takes to manufacture cable but it's really not that difficult. It's not beyond what you can do - from my little finding, I can say it's pretty easy to make cables.

The Nigerian power has just been deregulated. Meaning that very soon, there will be massive rural and urban electrification project throughout the country which may likely result to increase in demand of electric cables far more than before. 

If you remember what happened in the telecoms sector, the boom and the massive employment it generated and is still generating in Nigeria. People who took advantage of the emerging telecom business in Nigeria to invest at the early stage are today the multimillionaires who control the industry. I see the same scenario repeating itself in the power sector.

2. Security Outfit - Security business have been around for a very long time in Nigeria but it's taking a different dimension in recent time due to the situations on ground; no thanks to Armed Robbery, Kidnapping and Boko Haram menaces in many parts of the country. This is no doubt one of the emerging billion dollars business opportunity in Nigeria, much like the oil and gas business.

Almost everyone who can afford private security services in Nigeria is going for it and it's becoming more cost effective considering the amount of money you pay out as ransom if you're caught by the kidnapping bad guys. Much is involved in security business but the generate lots of profits. We'll be bringing you details on how to go about setting up security outfit in Nigeria.

3. Photography - I mean professional photography business, not the kiosk type of old photographers you see in your neighborhood. Photography business is a multidimensional business, so much means of making money through this profession, many of which not yet even known by some of those who claim to be professional in the business. More on this in the subsequent articles!


4. YouTube Video Channel - This opportunity is very new in Nigeria, considering that Nigerians where not formally allowed/enabled to participate in YouTube partnership program. This is an emerging business opportunity that thousands of other publishers in other countries are already making six figures from.

I am taking serious interest in this business because I know it holds one of the finest opportunity to make real money to anyone who goes into the YouTube partnership program the right way. We will be having exclusive professional training on this business next month ending. Click here to register for the training if you are serious about taking advantage of one of the best emerging business opportunity in Nigeria

5. Upscale Supermarket - The constant rise of the middle class society in Nigeria is changing the face of shopping in most part of the cities in Nigeria. Upscale Supermarkets in convenient locations are becoming the preferred shopping place. As more and more people are stepping up their lifestyles so comes the need for upscale supermarkets among other thing to meet up with the demands.

Right now, only Shoprite and other few ones are trying to meet up this demand. There is huge opportunity is this sector in Nigeria, that's why Shoprite is currently setting up some number of new shops in Nigeria in addition to what they already have. When I say upscale, it shouldn't be necessarily as big as Shoprite but at least something close.

6. Talent Agency - The Nigerian entertainment industry is booming due to the untold number of talents in the country. I wrote an article sometime ago on How to Become a Nollywood Actress/Actors. During the course of my research for the article, I discovered there is no enough talent Agency in the country, giving scammers great opportunity to exploit teeming youths who are looking for how to enter into the Nigeria entertainment industry. 

 When the article was published, I had so many people contact me after reading asking of how they could get registered talent agencies. The number was so impressive that I was thing of setting up one. To be in this emerging business opportunity, all you need to do is to establish very good constants with the 'who is whos' of the Nigerian entertainment industry and you're good to go.

7. eCommerce - You've heard about Jumia Nigeria and Konga? Yeah! They are making millions of dollars from Nigerian market, yet they aren't of Nigeria origin. This is an emerging opportunity space in Nigerian economy that is yet to be fully realized.

This days, more and more people prefers to shop online because it's more convenient and gives you better opportunity to make good choices in your buy. The pay on delivery option is even making it far more easier as you get to see before paying. Investing in eCommerce in Nigeria is one of the finest investment choice anyone could make right now, provided you have the money to pull it off.

8. Cassava Bread - Ever since the cassava bread was introduced in Nigeria by Olusegun Obasanjo's government, investors are yet to fully exploit the opportunity that exist in cassava bread making to create wealth for themselves. Cassava is a well consumed food staple in Nigeria and any food made out of cassava is a guaranteed sellout.

9. Florist - Nigerians are beginning to appreciate flowers as a gift. Florists are beginning to flourish in Nigeria, and the business in is beginning to emerge. Few people are currently in the florist business in Nigeria, while the market is growing day by day.

10. Farming - Much has been written about Farming on and more are yet to be written. After oil and Gas, Farming is the next industry in Nigeria in terms of importance. Nigerians are beginning to wake up to farming and the business is greatly emerging.

Any emerging business you know about that is not mentioned here? Tell us by making comments below.


Easy Ways to collect/service loans from Microfinance bank in Nigeria

Hossain (2001) defined micro finance as a practices of offering small, collateral-free loans to people who otherwise would not have access to capital to begin small business or other income generating activities.
Conroy (2003) defined micro finance as the provision of finical servic
e to poor and low income house hold without access to formal financial institution. Micro finance is a general term to describe financial service to low income individual or other who don’t have access to typical banking service.
According to CGAP (2011) Microfinance offers poor people access to basic financial service such as Loans, serving, money transfer service and micro insurance. People living poverty, like everyone else, need a diverse range of services to run their business, build assets, smooth consumption and manage risk. With all this why do people still find it difficult to get financial assistance from the bank?
Target Customers
The bank’s target market is aimed mainly to economically active poor women and in rare cases men who are deprived, vulnerable and tend to engage in small economic activities which can be supported by small loans. These activities contribute to the local economy by providing useful goods and services and improving the condition of in households, particularly those of children in terms of nutrition, health education and general welfare. Here are the easy step to secure a loan and even pay off without stress
Group Formation
A group consist of five to thirty depending on their product. Belonging to a group is not new in Nigeria because many people are already members of a group, either in the church or within their immediate community and so the concept of a group is not new to us, but what may be new is that we may not be aware theses our groups should be use more for economic benefit and less for social benefit, the group should consist of individual who has something in common they either come from the same community, same religion or same age group or market.
For an individual to belong to a group or be recognized as a customer of the micro finance bank, the following criteria must be met:
1) The Customer must be engaged in an income generating activity: This means each and every one in the group must have something doing, not like the bank is giving you money for charity
2) The age limit is between 20 to 25 years: This is an economic activity for improving lives so is not a child play.
3) Other group member must attest to the fact that the customer is of good behavior: this aspect is very important because if your group can defend for you, then how do you expect the bank to give you loan
4) Two account must be open for each group namely compulsory saving and loan account with a non-refundable account opening  deposit of 400 or above depending on the bank each on the respective account and will be jointly run by the group leader and secretary of the group in behalf of the other group member
 Product description: These products is made available to members of a group or association (register or unregistered) involved in activities whose risk profile are considered acceptable to the bank, however those that don’t fall into the above would be treated on a case by case basis. The products will be driven to represent not less than 80% of the bank’s total loans portfolio at any point in time. The product encourage group lending which encourage compulsory saving along with repayment of the loans facility granted. The minimum amount that can be giving to is N200, 000 for basic while the maximum is N500, 000 respectively for a maximum of 180 days of 24 weeks
Group account to be opened with the bank
Group membership will be a minimum of 5 to 10 members for the TL (Thread Loan) and a maximum of 5 to 30 members for the SL (support loan)
The maximum exposure of the bank per each borrower in a group is paged at N200, 000 (two hundred thousand naira) for tread loans and N500, 000(five hundred thousand naira) for support loans.
The payment period will not exceed 180 day or 24 weeks
Compulsory saving account must be maintain and the account must not have less than 10% of the amount requested for.
Repayment must be done on weekly basis and on a specific day of the week which will be agree by the group during their meeting, the loans office together with the group pick a date and time of meeting.  
All disbursement must be routed through the group account inclusive of repayment
Group guarantee are required
Voluntary saving would be a minimum of 10% of the week loan repayment amount and must be paid with weekly loan repayment
you can revitalize your business by getting loans from micro finance banks, its easy, just follow the steps above!!!


How to be a Successful Real Estate Investor

Population explosion in some major cities of the world has made the business of real estate a very lucrative one. People have been forced to pay through the nose because they have no choice but to stay close to their businesses. Real estate business people have thus enriched themselves. while the business is one of the oldest in life, neophytes are still joining the league on a daily basis. If you fall into the category of one who has the money, but lacks enough experience how can you determine what to buy and how to go about it?

Proximity to the city

There is really nothing wrong in you buying property in the city. If you are financially limited however, try as much as possible to invest in property that is close to the city. This is owing to the fact that development does not happen overnight. Considering that Rome was not built in a day you will know that for a part of a country to become developed, it must be linked to an already developed part. While you may not expect the same return as someone who has bought a building in the heart of the city, you will sure get patronage from people who may find the city rent too expensive. Such ones may not be comfortable with the noise associated with the metro and may prefer a quiet night after the day's hustle and bustle, as long as their home is not too far from the city.

Available Infrastructures

Whether you are buying in the heart of the city or you are going to the remotest village of your country, there must be a level of infrastructure in place so that your property will not stay redundant. Its true that some governments are more responsible to their citizens by providing basic infrastructures, it is also true that some developing countries are still battling to provide basic amenities for its citizenry. If you are in the latter category, avoid putting your money on property that are in areas without electricity and good roads. While it is possible that the government decides to put these things in place in the future, you will only be tying down your capital when you invest in such places with that hope in mind. Even if the land is bought for the purpose of farming, no one will patronize a farmer when the road is not OK for motorists.

Can it Be Commercialized?

There is just one reason you have for buying a property as a real estate person;  to make profit. Whether you want to rent it out, lease it or sell it right away, it is always good to buy a property that will yield good returns. Do not buy property that have become so dilapidated that the cost of renovation will be too much. When that happens, you may not be able to sell or rent it out at a rate that is commensurate with what is obtainable in the locality, you may end up incurring loss.

Be Conscious of Governmental Regulations

There are some raw lands that have been acquired by the government for developmental purposes. Property that belonged to the government are sometimes trespassed by local residents who claim that their forefathers have been on the land before government encroached on it. These ones may go ahead to woo unwary investors, especially neophyte estate developers and goad them to invest in controversial property. It is therefore pertinent to check with the ministry of planning in the state to ensure that the property is rid of such controversies. Even if it does not belong to the government, you still need to confirm if there are more than one party to its ownership. Ask around if the land or the building is rid of any form of litigation.

Remember Nature

After ensuring of its legitimacy, it is still important to consider factors associated with nature. So when investing, ensure that the land is not prone to flood. Is the landscape such that erosion will constitute problem eventually? When a land is too hilly, too rocky or swampy, an investor may regret ever dabbling into the business. Even if it is a building, is it possible that the area is susceptible to earthquake or even volcanic eruption?

Work with Experts

The work of an estate developer is not an easy one. As a greenhorn, you can find solace from the fact that you cannot carry out the task alone. So do not be afraid to ask questions. For example, when recruiting bricklayers, avoid overpaying as there must be a yardstick for paying the locality based on the number of bricks laid at a time. Same goes for carpenters, electricians, painters, manual laborers, etc, who are sometimes paid daily wages. It is pertinent that you employ the services of one or two marketers who will help drive the sales of your property. Better to pay commission than pay salaries, it is better to place them on target as well

There is nothing wrong if you get anxious as a beginner, even experienced real estate developers get perturbed sometimes because of the uncertainties associated with the business. As noted earlier, Rome was not built in a day. Be assured though that no amount invested wisely in a real estate business is a waste. Land is the only form of capital that is not manufactured in the factory. When one is fortunate to have one at his or her disposal, he is truly fortunate as the property will always increase in value, even if it was bought a minute ago.


Performances, Big Wins & Celebrating African Muzik! All the Excitement from AFRIMMA 2014

AFRIMMA 2014 - BellaNaija - July2014071
The highly anticipated African Muzik Magazine Awards held at the prestigious Eisemann Center with a galaxy of African stars gracing the city of Dallas. The event had big African Stars like Flavour, Diamond Platnumz, Togar Howard, Serge Bearnaud, Stanley Enow, Wyre, Alaine, Khuli Chana, 2Face and International superstar T-pain dazzle on the stage with electrifying performances.
Other performers of the night include Kukere master Iyanya, Khuli Chana, Kcee and more.
Highlights of the evening included Davido getting the award for Artiste of the Year, Flavour winning the Best Traditional Artist and other big wins.
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Juliet Ibrahim
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See the full list of winners and highlights from the event.
AFRIMMA 2014 Winners
Best DJ Africa 2014- Dj Black (Ghana)
Best African DJ USA 2014 – Dj Josh (Kenya)
Best Video of the Year 2014- Flavour (Nigeria)
Best Male East Africa 2014- Diamond (Tanzania)
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AFRIMMA 2014 - BellaNaija - July2014038
Pearl & Adams Ibrahim
AFRIMMA 2014 - BellaNaija - July2014041
AFRIMMA 2014 - BellaNaija - July2014042 AFRIMMA 2014 - BellaNaija - July2014045 Best Male West Africa 2014- Davido (Nigeria)
Best Female East Africa 2014- Lady Jaydee (Tanzania)
Best Female West Africa 2014 – Tiwa Savage (Nigeria)
Best Male Central Africa 2014 – Fally Pupa (Congo)
Best Female Central Africa 2014- Gasha ( Cameroon)
Best Male Southern Africa 2014- Khuli Chana (South Africa)
Best African Group 2014- P-square (Nigeria)
Best Male Diaspora 2014- Fuse ODG (Ghana)
Best Female Diaspora 2014- Les Nubians (Cameroon)
Best Female Southern Africa 2014- Zahara (South Africa)
Best Dancehall Artist 2014 – Timaya (Nigeria)
Best Dance in a Video 2014- Iyanya (Lekwa Ukwu) (Nigeria)
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Kaffy, Ubi Franklyn & Iyanya
AFRIMMA 2014 - BellaNaija - July2014018 AFRIMMA 2014 - BellaNaija - July2014010 Best Gospel Artiste 2014- Bahati (Kenya)
Best Traditional Artist 2014- Flavour (Nigeria)
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Best Newcomer 2014- Stanley Enow (Cameroon)
Best Video Director 2014- Ogopa Dj’s (Kenya)
Music Producer of the year 2014- Dj Oskido (South Africa)
Best Dance Group 2014- Imagineto (Nigeria)
Best Rap Act 2014- Sarkodie (Ghana)
Best Collaboration 2014- Mafikizolo ft Uhuru (Khona) (South Africa)
Song of the Year 2014- Kcee (Nigeria)
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AFRIMMA 2014 - BellaNaija - July2014063 Artist of the Year 2014- Davido (Nigeria)
Leadership in Music Award 2014- 2face Idibia
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Juliet Ibrahim, Basketmouth & 2Face Idibia
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AFRIMMA 2014 - BellaNaija - July2014071
Legendary Award 2014- Yvonne Chaka Chaka
Transformational Leadership Award 2014- Chief Dr. Godswill Akpabio
More photos from the event
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Emma Nyra
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Special Spesh
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Teddy- A
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Serge Beynaud
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2Face Idibia
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Back Stage
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